Friday, May 1, 2009

Day 24

We lived our day today as if the TV never existed. And when I asked my son if he wanted to watch the April 11th, TIVO-archived, pre-no-TV-apocalypse edition of "Pinky Dinky Doo" another day in a row, he looked at me, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Okay." It made me regret asking him in the first place, except we have yet to figure out another transitional routine either at bedtime or at naptime than flipping on the tube.

Yes, we are a reading family and we read a lot of kids' books. But, for some reason, we look to the TV when it is time to wind down. At some point, our kids got wise to the book leading-to-bed routine and we had to outsmart them. Hence the TV. I'd love to hear other ideas.

And, in other news, I find I do not, I repeat, I do not care about what happens on "Survivor!" This is huge for someone whose friends have referred to her as a reality junkie. Once, one of my coworkers told me, "You'll watch anything." I tried to defend myself, saying it was folklore, sociology, something intelligent. But, deep down, I knew that I was letting my eyes eat candy. And where will that lead? Mental diabetes?

Oh, I'm far from over it. I will have to see what happens to Jillian on "The Bachelorette." I want to see how "Celebrity Apprentice" shapes up.

There is so much on the 23 channels that is reality. The more the writers cost, the more reality TV sells. I saw a preview for a show called "Dating in the Dark" that premieres July 20th on ABC. Apparently, people will hook up in a dark room and decide who they want to see in the light of day, to find out how blind love really is.

Oh, I certainly hope we have decided to pull the plug for good before July 20th.


  1. The MP3 player.

    That's what we ended up with as the naptime/bedtime transition. My son (4 yrs old) received a Sansa Shaker MP3 player as a birthday present. We loaded some songs and some audio stories on it, and give it to him to listen to as he lays down for naptime.

  2. What a great idea! Thanks--I think my son would love that.
