Monday, May 18, 2009

Day 41


A six-foot-tall man dressed as Yoda leers at us and lurches forward. He hands my son a light saber. We snap a photo. His assistant, dressed in a strange cross between ballerina and hardcore dominatrix moves in. On Yoda's palm is scratched the word "Tips." We don't have anything but a few quarters. I shove them into his palm. He grabs the light saber from my three-year-old and says "Aw, come on." He shoves toward us. The assistant says, "We can give you change."

A man with an unwashed beard and dusty hair pulls on his Spiderman mask and climbs up the scaffolding to a building that's being renovated. The kids turn their heads. "It's Spidey!"

Meticulously molded art deco maidens deteriorate beneath city grit, the acidic, inky smog settling in their hair and between their breasts.

Three crows hop in a canyon. Silence is replaced by designer sneakers traipsing, cell phones ringing, points being argued, parts being rehearsed.

A crowd gathers. Nobody knows who she is, but she is definitely a star. The road is closed for the premiere of "Terminator: Salvation." "Who is in this movie, anyway? An annoying husband asks. "I don't know," answers his wife. "Then why are we standing here?"

The New York style pizza folds perfectly, the cheese and sauce dancing on the tip of my tongue. Even the crust goes down quick.

More people photograph Chuck Norris' star on the Walk of Fame than anyone else.

Across from a premiere, you can chop through the animal scent of body odor coming from people who hold huge backpacks on their shoulders stuffed with bedding, hairbrushes peeking out.

Words on the wall. Words in the air. Words on the concrete beneath our feet.

I tell my children to be quiet at the pool so as not to disturb the sunbathing, Gucci wearing teenagers with their perfectly coiffed long hair and shimmering bodies. Then I think they could use some joy and begin throwing my children into the air, which creates huge splash.

The Hollywood Sign is a long way away. We try to walk to it. We don't make it.

I see a comedian whose name I don't know at the farmer's market. Still, I get excited. I know him from TV. Who is he? I still don't know his name.

I am easily the ugliest person in this town. I feel grateful that my children are so beautiful so nobody notices.

The stroller never does fit through the door to our hotel. Each time, it gets jammed. And even if there is a crowd nearby, only occasionally does anyone offer to hold the door open.

There are no children in this town. The woman at the chamber of commerce looks at me puzzled when I ask if there is a playground anywhere.

If you have two feet and a will, you can get anywhere. Crosswalks and walk signals take you from Beverly Hills to the land of the Crips and the Bloods to the beach, though I hear that some inner city kids never have seen the ocean.

You think it's air conditioning, but it's air. The window is open.

Any kind of food you want any time of day. But you have to wait in line.

The women here make good use of head bands and scarves. Note to self: On bad hair days, insert colorful fabric.

L.A. is best seen from the top of a double decker bus.

This is the origin of film and TV as many of us know it. It is a crazy and beautiful and intense place. Consider the source of what you see behind the glass. Always consider the source.

Thank you for reading.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Day 31

One month in.

This week, the husband was out of town, so I relaxed the screen time restriction considerably. Are we happier? No.

With movies running in the background, my 3-year-old phrenetically acts out scenes and switches from character to character. I watch him and wonder if the on screen stimulation is too much for him or if he is so inspired by it he wants to do his own creating. This week, after time away from ol' TV, the intensity with which he acted out the scenes seemed to increase.

As for myself, I am a jittery, jangly mess. That might have something to do with the fact that I've been tending to kids without my mate. Or it might mean I've just gotten blasted by computer, TV, movie time.

We are headed to Los Angeles in the morning. How ironic, I think, that we are vacationing in the bellybutton of the simulacrum we all call home. I'll be posting.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day 29

A friend of mine told me about this blog and it is wonderful!

Day 29

Today marks four weeks since we started this experiment. It is a very relaxed experiment this week due to the fact that my husband is out of town and it is me me me 24/7. The kids need some form of entertainment.

But I have been striving to have them watch movies instead of TV, for the most part. This morning we screened Bambi

We didn't make it to the end due to the violence and dark adult themes. Who knew? Just goes to show you that parental vigilance doesn't end when a film is rated G.

Last night I felt a great deal of shame when I left the TV on as I did housework after the kids went to bed and looked up to see that Tyler Perry's House of Payne had been playing for about an hour without my noticing it. No wonder I felt a drain. No, I don't watch that show. Why was it on? Loneliness. Another big reason why TV has become such a fixture in our culture. Next time, music will be my background companion. I promise.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Day 27

...And after what felt like an extremely indulgent hour-and-a-half of the lagniappe Disney Channel, the kids requested it be turned off.

At which point the pretend play commenced, with mommy pretending to be the baby. Then came the pirates. Argggggggh.

Day 27

When it's raining, the kids can watch TV.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day 26

We are experiencing moments of harmony and togetherness that I always thought we had to wait until vacation to experience. These are times when we might otherwise have had the yammering of complete strangers in the background telling us to buy, buy, buy and to be discontent with what we have right now.

Today, during a rainstorm, we sat and watched the water falling and listened to Bob Dylan and there was a peace about our household. It's the kind of peace we experience when we are at the beach, the feeling of the spaces, the sensing of the truth about who we are.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Day 24

We lived our day today as if the TV never existed. And when I asked my son if he wanted to watch the April 11th, TIVO-archived, pre-no-TV-apocalypse edition of "Pinky Dinky Doo" another day in a row, he looked at me, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Okay." It made me regret asking him in the first place, except we have yet to figure out another transitional routine either at bedtime or at naptime than flipping on the tube.

Yes, we are a reading family and we read a lot of kids' books. But, for some reason, we look to the TV when it is time to wind down. At some point, our kids got wise to the book leading-to-bed routine and we had to outsmart them. Hence the TV. I'd love to hear other ideas.

And, in other news, I find I do not, I repeat, I do not care about what happens on "Survivor!" This is huge for someone whose friends have referred to her as a reality junkie. Once, one of my coworkers told me, "You'll watch anything." I tried to defend myself, saying it was folklore, sociology, something intelligent. But, deep down, I knew that I was letting my eyes eat candy. And where will that lead? Mental diabetes?

Oh, I'm far from over it. I will have to see what happens to Jillian on "The Bachelorette." I want to see how "Celebrity Apprentice" shapes up.

There is so much on the 23 channels that is reality. The more the writers cost, the more reality TV sells. I saw a preview for a show called "Dating in the Dark" that premieres July 20th on ABC. Apparently, people will hook up in a dark room and decide who they want to see in the light of day, to find out how blind love really is.

Oh, I certainly hope we have decided to pull the plug for good before July 20th.